The head and neck is a complex
anatomical region:
- it
is a visible area that partly defines a person
- it contains
specialised structures that may be ‘static’ and/or ‘dynamic’ in function
The reconstructive surgeon must consider
such factors to provide the optimal functional and cosmetic outcome. Free tissue reconstruction in the head
and neck is commonly required following:
- cancer
ablative surgery
- trauma
- loss of facial nerve function
Aerodigestive areas |
The upper aerodigestive tract is
divided into six areas. Reconstruction with a free flap is most commonly
required in the oral cavity as tumours at this site are less responsive to chemoradiotherapy and are accessible. Whilst pedicled flaps, such as the pectoralis major flap, may be used in the head and neck we prefer free tissue transfer:
it allows replacement of ‘like
with like’ tissue that is mobile and can allow unrestricted movement it brings healthy,
well vascularised tissue to regions that may have received or will receive
radiotherapy as part of treatment
Recipient vessels
The head and neck is rich in
potential recipient vessels. It is important that vessels are chosen carefully,
taking into consideration:
Recipient Artery
Intraoral defects and the lower 1/3 of the face:
Intraoral defects and the lower 1/3 of the face:
Facial artery:
- common primary option
- easily accessible; it is identified during neck dissections and is close to these defects
- calibre 2.0 - 3.0 mm
- suitable for end-to-end anastomosis
Superior thyroid artery:
- a second choice
- also
identified during neck dissections
- calibre 1.5 -
2.0 mm - good flow but is often smaller than the facial
- situated lower down the neck below the level of the hyoid and, therefore, a longer pedicle is required.
- Superficial temporal artery and vein:
- ideal position in the midface
- calibre 1.5 - 2.5 mm
- a separate incision is required to prepare the vessels for microanastomosis
Recipient Vein
For lower 1/3 of the face
- facial vein with end-to-end anastomosis
- internal jugular vein with end-to-side anastomosis
Vessel Access
Patients undergoing free
tissue transfer often have some form of neck dissection as part of their
resection surgery, thereby identifying potential recipient vessels. Patients
with mucosal SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) with node negative necks undergo a
selective neck dissection, whereas those with nodal disease undergo a modified
radical neck dissection.
In situations where a neck
dissection is not indicated, such as benign disease (ameloblastoma) or certain types
of salivary gland tumours, then vessels must be dissected and prepared for
anastomosis. One option is to use the superficial temporal vessels; the temporal artery is palpated
and an incision is made adjacent to the vessel communicating with the defect. This avoids neck surgery.
The other option is to perform an ‘access neck dissection’; this involves removal of level Ib (the submandibular gland), exposing the facial
artery and the common facial vein.
Flap Options
Commonly used reconstructions for oral cavity defects:
- mucosa only:
- tongue - less than half - radial forearm
Radial forearm flap
- tongue - hemi-tongue - ALT (anterolateral thigh flap) or lateral arm
ALT Flap
- tongue - more than half - ALT +/- vastus lateralis
- floor of mouth - radial forearm or lateral arm
- retromolar trigone - radial forearm or ALT
- mucosa and bone:
- mandible - fibula fasciocutaneous or fibula + radial forearm
- hard palate - scapula tip or DCIA or ALT
DCIA flap - pharyngolaryngectomy
- partial - RF or pedicled pec major
- circumferential - jejunum or tubed ALT
Lateral arm flap |
Vessel Anastomosis
In general, the arterial anastomosis is carried out end-to-end. The venous anastomosis is usually end-to-side if anastomosing to the IJV and end-to-end if anastomosing to the common facial vein.
The challenges of head and neck microsurgery include vessel mismatch, severely atherosclerotic recipient vessels and vessel fibrosis from previous chemoradiotherapy treatment. Meticulous technique is paramount in order to compensate for vessel size and wall thickness discrepancies, to prevent plaque fracture and to avoid intimal separation. Manoeuvres such as spatulating or bevelling vessel ends may be useful.
Common Problems
Increasingly patients presenting are requiring free tissue transfer having previously had chemoradiotherapy as their primary treatment or with a second head and neck cancer. Such patients present a challenge as the often have vessel-depleted necks from their previous treatment. In such cases, alternative vessels must be considered:
- transverse cervical vessels - level V
- contralateral neck vessels
- out-of-region vessels - internal mammary vessels or cephalic vein - 'cephalic turn up'
Vein grafts are often needed to increase pedicle length.